Foxwell Digital Download: CAPI clarifier, Q4 hot tips, disabled biz managers and more

In partnership with: Social Outlier

The Latest in Paid Social

Buckle up and get ready to read all about:

👨‍💻  Everything else you need to know about CAPI (Part 2)

🎙  How to revamp your Q4 Ad Performance, the podcast

🤔  Thinking like a FB auditor

📊  Heard of Social Outlier?

❌  Bans, bans, and more bans

🤓  Agencies vs. Freelance? Our take...

Facebook’s Conversions API (CAPI) - everything you need to know (again)

You read in the Foxwell Digital Download two weeks ago about everything you needed to know about CAPI, and we received a lot of questions from brands big and small ... which led to even more questions.

There were questions about the Events Manager and Auto Advanced Matching (nerdy, right?)

SO... today, we bring you a massive CAPI clarifier and we answer: what is Auto Advanced Matching (AAM)?, what does less than 100% match rate mean, how Facebook comes up with a match rate percentage, how CAPI affects match rate, and whether match rate affects the performance of certain audiences.Read the rest from Foxwell Digital ace Shane Cicero on the blog 👇

How To Revamp Your Facebook Ad Performance In Q4

Straight from the E-Commerce Influence Podcast episode 274, Austin Brawner and I bring you more magic surrounding the chaos that is Q4 of 2020 in Facebook Ad Performance.

Let's be honest: it’s been a wild ride. I felt we needed to cover what have been the big themes of what’s worked in 2020 and to discuss what is working now. If you need a refresher headed into Q4, this is the episode for you.

Some of my favorite highlights include:

  • How user behavior is different than it used to be

  • Manual/override bidding

  • User-generated content and dynamic creative

  •  The top 3 things working for US-based advertisers 

  • (and my favorite) Andrew's Q4 prediction on Facebook ad performance

Whether you're a podcast listener or a podcast transcript reader, take my advice and check this one out.

When auditing an account, we came across this:

Problem, meet solutions.

My take:

As I was auditing a major account recently this scenario came up, and I decided to tweet about it. In doing so, many of you all shared this happens to you sometimes and potentially proves FB is broken.

To me, this proves the audience for this product is hard to find and FB believes it only lives in a small niche of said audience.

For those of you asking what first time impression ratio is, here’s a helpful Twitter 🧵.

I think by updating creative, trying a new landing page and potentially trying some bid caps here they could kickstart this once again.

Connected TV FTW - Sponsored by Social Outlier

It's no secret that Facebook's recent decline in performance is due to their own bad data. With an irresponsible 180-day recency, their pre-existing user data is no longer relevant. COVID has changed every data set and they must all be re-built.

Enter: Social Outlier, who restructures all first- and third-party data with proprietary algorithms to create fully compliant, high-quality data sets. As they have done for many national brands, these new data sets fuel Social Outlier's high performance digital and Connected TV media services, allowing you to leverage your existing video assets across Hulu, YouTube and the entire CTV ecosystem.

Social Outlier's CTV programs are at a flat $38 CPM and include creative done by Structured Social (Nick Shackelford). To unleash the power of Connected TV with better data, reach out to the team at Social Outlier at, and tell them we sent you!

Bans, bans, and more bans

The number of people that have experienced their BM or ads account being shut down is completely insane. I’ve told FB directly it’s an absolute joke and they need to fix their processes. If you, too, have experienced this, you’re not alone. There’s no magic bullet for getting it running again either, other than appealing multiple times. Trust that we're working with FB to try and make this better every single day.

Food for thought...

It’s been an interesting discussion this week on the topic of which one is best: agencies or freelancers? This came about after a controversial video was posted throughout the FB Ad Buying Community, and we thought it was important to share this perspective.

As is the world of FB, it depends. I’ll let you read the replies on this tweet, but what’s important to know is this: both have validity and it’s up to us to be the good guys.

Some suggestions we have for being a decent ad-buyer, regardless of whether you work for an agency or are a freelancer:

☝️ Be transparent

☝️ Don’t lock people into contracts

☝️ Let them speak to current clients

☝️ Ensure you show them what you’re testing and working on regularly. It’s on us.

We're all in this together, and there's never a one-size-fits all solution, which is why these responses are important 👇

Have more to add to the conversation? Join our thread on Twitter, or if you're not a part of our fam already, join our Facebook group!

We're curious...

Anything else that's been on your mind (or haunting your dreams) lately in the advertising space? Shoot us an email or tweet and let's talk! 🦊


Foxwell Digital Download: 3 essential Q4 tactics you need to get right


Everything you need to know about Facebook CAPI, Round 2